The great debate of Lorem Ipsum

Should we use placeholder text, and if so, when might it be appropriate?

Susannah Bayliss


A man sits and writes a at a typewriter, the typed paper overflows
Jeffrey Fisher

Lorem ipsum, the placeholder text, has been around since the 15th century and functioned as a staple for designers since Letraset popularized the dummy text in the 1960s. While it serves its purpose to indicate where text might exist in an unobtrusive manner, it is not without its problems.

What makes this dummy text so appealing as a placeholder is also what makes it weak. It’s inability to communicate solves one problem and creates another. The debate is thus: if design is communication driven should the content be a place of focus in prototypes or reduced to keep distractions at bay?

Let’s take a look at the opposition.

“I’ve heard the argument that “Lorem ipsum” is effective in wireframing or design because it helps people focus on the actual layout, or color scheme, or whatever. What kills me here is that we’re talking about creating a user experience that will (whether we like it or not) be DRIVEN by words. The entire structure of the page or app flow is FOR THE WORDS.” — Kristina Halvorson

Testing information architecture is dependent upon the language used, not just layout. If using Lorem ipsum for all text, including titles, users won’t be able to perform the simplest of taks. Users understand their relation to a page based on their understanding of the titles and descriptive words indicating their current location and potential navigational opportunities. Where am I and where do I want to go? Without this vital information the design is useless and testing will be a nightmare.

While Lorem ipsum text shouldn’t be used for main titles in navigation, the same can be true for the content within each page. During prototype user testing Lorem ipsum text has the potential for distraction if users are not given to understand what they should be looking at beforehand. 2020 has seen an increase in remote, unmoderated user testing. This kind of testing demands clear instruction and precise wording. Users unfamiliar with this dummy text will be fixated on it, which is the opposite of the desired outcome.It is also beneficial to test the content itself with users to gain feedback on this crucial material. Were those instructions helpful? Were the labels clear? Do you like the wording of Button A vs Button B?

Content and word choice shape the physical spacing of a design.

“Lorem ipsum is so ubiquitous because it is so versatile. Select how many paragraphs you want, copy, paste, and break the lines wherever it is convenient. Real copy doesn’t work that way.When creating any new or updated design, the content is what needs to be supported.”

When creating a layout it is convenient to be able to choose how much space the text occupies. We all know this is not how content works in real practice. A paragraph may be much larger or smaller than had been originally designed for. That may affect the overall spacing requiring a redesign, which is costly and an inefficient use of time. You need to know the actual content of a site before you finalize the design. Design should support content, it shouldn’t be the other way around.

With the potential for creating confusion and disrupting the design’s layout Lorem ipsum text is not always the right choice for text, but when is it appropriate to use?

“Lorem ipsum exists because words are powerful. If you fill up your page with draft copy about your client’s business, they will read it. They will comment on it. They will be inexorably drawn to it. Presented the wrong way, draft copy can send your design review off the rails.” — Karen McGrane

Copy deserves the same thought and care that other components of the design process require. When done well it shouldn’t be distracting, however, overly content heavy designs can increase the likelihood of fixation on the text. Draft copy can have a way of turning meetings about layout decisions into a discussion about word choice. If your goal is to make decisions only regarding layout and color, prepare your content beforehand, make sure the layout supports it, and then don’t be afraid of the dummy text, add some back in, but use a balanced measure of real and fabricated text. Be sure to inform your client that the text is simply a placeholder to avoid potential confusion on their part or accidental publication.

Lorem Ipsum text can be a great tool to use in a pinch when in collaboration with teammates, but challenge yourself to not rely on it. The understanding of the content is just informative to the potential overall success of a product as the design is when testing with users or presenting to clients and stakeholders.

